Video: How to Use AIOSEO to SEO Your Blog Post

If you want to rank organically for your target keywords, blogging is an excellent vehicle. AIOSEO is a great tool for anyone looking to optimize their content. Here’s a how-to video to help you learn the tricks we use for our clients. 


Hello, my name is Paula Pollock, and I am the founder of Pollock Marketing Group. And I wanted to share with you some of our trade secrets and what we do for our clients.


We manage a large amount of content for our clients because most B2B marketing is focused on brand awareness and only 5% of your clients or prospects are in the buying mode at any given time.


You need to be putting out your brand 95% of the time to capture everyone’s attention, and blogs are a great way to not only get your information out there and show that you are intelligent and up to date on current topics, but it also helps boost your actual paid ads because organic SEO always boosts paid again and paid ads.


We like to do a lot of work around topic, selection, keyword selection, and making sure our client’s blogs are very well SEO’d.



Let’s look at this one. I’ll show you. We had to dig through for an old one because we’re pretty accurate with our SEO now.


And this is an old one. I wanted to show you how we work with a tool, a plugin for WordPress.

It’s free and called AIOSEO. When you have this plugin active on your WordPress blog, you will get all these great tools.


Now, if you notice here, we have a headline analyzer. Let’s go into that. First. Our headline is already pretty good, getting an 87 out of 100.


But you can get feel for some of the things that they are looking for. So you’re kind of being coached on how to do this well.


Sentiment and character count; reduce the word count. All these little things can improve your headline. And if your headline isn’t ranking very high, what we can do is try a new headline and see how it ranks before you even publish.


So let’s see – Create Content That Will Convert on Any Platform. Let’s just say, “Create Content That Rocks.” We’ll just make up something.


Okay. See, that’s not very good. It went down from 87 to 45, so it could be better. But if I keep adding new ones, it’s going to keep a kind of running tally to let me know.


And then maybe I find one that’s a little better or not quite as good or something. I could always cut and paste it. And there we go. It will be right here.


Well, let’s leave this since it’s good. And let’s work on the rest of the SEO.



What we do is start to drop these down. Now I can go in here. You can see it’s giving me some errors here. That’s going to be where I’m going to focus. 


However, if you are using WordPress and are not using Elementor, if you noticed we have Elementor here, that’s what we use.


This is an old blog where we just dropped it into the editor. So let’s just scroll below the editor and see where our errors are because we’re gonna get some of the feedback here too.


See, there’s some basic SEO. Okay. We have too many words and characters in our title. Now they’re not talking about the title at the top. They’re talking about the title that’s going to be part of the snippet that would go into a search engine. It automatically grabbed all of this.


I’m going to get rid of the name of our blog and the separator, and voila. There we are 55 out of 60 max. Now it’s happy.


See that already? Do you notice that a little bit of change already has me at 90, but let’s keep going and see what we can find.



Oh my gosh. The meta description. It just grabs the excerpt. Terrible. We don’t want that. So let’s scroll back up here and see what we can do.


Let’s just grab something. I’m going to just grab a snippet from the first paragraph. Mind you in today’s ever-changing Google search rules for content, you want to make sure that this is very relevant.

Your meta description is going to be what tells the search engines, “Hey, this is what this blog is about.” 


It will also tell other people, “Hey, this isn’t an ad. This is a blog. You can read this and get information.” So since we are talking about content that will convert on any platform, I want to make sure.


Now, mind you, I did not see a focus keyword. So ‘content conversion’ – let’s just add that as a focus keyword.


See, now that’s going to change things. Notice how that dropped me down to 70. You should always enter your focus keyword first. So, my bad. 


I wouldn’t worry too much about the ranking of the keyword yet because you’re never going to be able to keep using the same keyword. If you do that, you’re doing what we call “keyword cannibalization,” where you’re basically stealing clicks from yourself. We don’t want to do that.


If you’re talking about content, you might use terms like content marketing, content conversion, content development, and variations on the word content.


That’s my recommendation from somebody who’s been doing this for a while. All right. So let’s check the focus key phrase.


Like I said, I’m going to ignore it for now, but I do know that if I don’t have content conversion in here, we’re going to be in trouble.


So what I need to do is make a few changes. Let me try some edits, and I’ll be right back.



Okay. I made a few edits to help our cause. Now we changed the title a little bit.

How to Write Content Conversion to Boost your Search Rank. I know it sounds a little funky, but it’s still ranking at 72. People will get the gist of it.


You have to get over always writing pristine titles. Sometimes pristine titles don’t attract people. Sometimes when something’s grammatically incorrect or uncomfortable, it attracts people because we tend to think, “Why did they write it like that?” So it’s not a bad thing.


The title is now in the zone. We have the next layer of things.


Focus key phrase in the introduction. Okay. That’s one that will get you. When they say the introduction, what they mean is probably this paragraph here. So what we’re going to do is say content reading, content conversion, or sales and leads has never been more important.


So now we’ve written the words, and they do like it at the very beginning; they tend to reward that.

They don’t tell you that. But trust me on this. You notice my focus key phrase now is popping up.

And so is this. See, focus key phrase in introduction. Now it’s green. 


Focus key phrase in URL – because we stole this from an older blog. I’m going to make the change. Now you may be a little concerned, thinking, “Oh my goodness, what do I do? If I change the link, it’s not going to follow.” Yes, it will. WordPress knows that it will follow the new name.


So let’s just say, and I actually now use a little different strategy for your URL, because as you can see, it has a lot of small words, content-that-will-convert-on-any-platform. So let’s just cut to the chase – content conversion. We’re going to call it that because that’s pretty much the gist of what we’re trying to say.


Anybody who runs across this URL is going to say, “Ah, I know what that’s about.” Notice the focus key phrase in the URL is now green, and I’m now at 93.



Now we’re going to keep going. I’m gonna show you a couple more little tricks. Okay? So I’ve got all green here, all green here, title length, readability. Now this is a tough one. Okay. 


Images and videos in content. Previously, we were not getting our videos and images properly integrated.

This has changed for us. But for you, what I recommend is making sure you have three or four images, charts, videos, or something, in your post, and make sure you’re using alt tags with your keyword.


So say it’s a picture of a duck for some reason, but you’re talking about content conversion. Now, I don’t know why those two things would be together. But anyway, I want you to make sure that you use – content conversion duck swimming – something of that nature- duck swimming content conversion – is your alt tag.

ducks swimming - aioseo video training


You need to keep your keywords in the alt tag, but you also need to describe what the image is about. You can do both. This will help boost you up. It’s in the back end. Most people don’t notice it, but the search engines do.


Sentence length. We’ve gotten a little better at this. So I’m not going to go in there and get crazy.  


Transition words. This is a tough one, because frankly, transition words are filler. I personally don’t like filler, you know, although, however, you know, at the end of the day; all those kinds of words.  They just add bulk and don’t really add any heft to the post.


I’m not a big fan. So I don’t really worry about that. Nor do I care about the Flesch reading index, because most of the reading index wants something that an eighth grader can read. Now, how many of you are targeting eighth graders? Probably not many. Don’t care. If it’s too hard for someone to read, they probably aren’t our client or our target anyway.


Don’t get too squirrely about that. Although don’t make it so difficult that it’s PhD level stuff, unless of course, you are only trying to attract that level of intelligence as a buyer.



Alright, so I think we’re good. We’ve got 93 and 72. We’re going to go all the way back to the top and all we’re going to do is update it.


And now that’s going to send new data to Google and Bing. 


Now, add a redirect to improve SEO. My system is telling me to add the redirect. So let’s go ahead and follow that link and do it. And if you are using WordPress and if you’re using WordPress, this shouldn’t be a problem.


So I’m going to go and do that right now. Good luck. 


And if you’re interested in working with us or talking about different things that you might need for your business, we’re at and you can always come over to our contact tab here and schedule a call.


Thanks so much.